Scars are inevitable when talking about surgery, even in the case of aesthetic surgery. One thing is that at the time of the intervention you have carefully chosen the place where the incision is made and the direction in which it is made so that it has the best possible healing process and is barely visible.

Consequently, when it comes to correcting scars there are many factors to take into account when making a prognosis on the cosmetic surgery intervention that can be performed. One of them refers to the location. Each area of the body heals in a different way. In fact, the worst aesthetic quality occurs on the back, legs and forehead, and eyelids if the scars are oblique or vertical. If, on the other hand, the scars are horizontal or located on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet, they will be barely visible. If the wound or incision occurs in areas of tension, then the scars will be more visible.

The shape of the wound also plays a role, since, for example, circular wounds tend to produce a bulging in the central part, and those in which the cut is not perpendicular to the direction of distribution of the epithelial cells. The cause of the scar is another relevant prognostic factor.

Clean and vertical cuts are always less visible, but burns, crushing, or tears are not. And finally, each person’s skin heals differently and aspects such as age or even race must be taken into account. In any case, cosmetic surgery offers different procedures to correct, not erase, scars.


During the period of scar maturation, sun exposure should be avoided. This is especially important in the first 6-8 months after skin closure.

Hydration is another of the most important measures to aid healing. Silicone dressings are usually used from skin closure up to 8 months. Their use should be methodical and prolonged in order to check their efficiency.

Only after the first 10 months and when the scar has stopped varying, other medical treatments can be considered.

These are: intralesional corticosteroid injection, dermabrasion, peelings, laser in its different varieties, photodynamic therapy, botulinum toxin, plasma with growth factors, imiquimod, and anti-inflammatory products.

Scar removal with surgery

When mature scars remain unaesthetic, surgery should be considered.

Timing is very important. The scar should be deflated, should be of normal color, and soft (which happens around 12-18 months).

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